Woo another tate episode haha (fan girl alert!!) The line! "Hi im Tate, im dead, wanna hook up?"
I do find it difficult to give a lil quick interpretation of each American horror story episode because there is so much shit going on! But i will try, so, its takes us back to my favorite time in the show the 1990's 1994 to be exact to give us a little clarification of the days leading up to Tates shooting frenzy, pretty much tate is obviously not impressed with the charade that is his mothers and larrys new found "love" which is quit obviously one sided. he shows his angry through a humorous dinner grace anyhoo skipping forward to the morning of the shooting, we see tate snorting cocaine or/and meth as far as i could tell, he continues to larrys office where he throws petrol over him and sets him alight!

After feeling bad for constance as she finds out the 5th person that she loves is dead (her husband shot by her, son bo suffocated by larry, tate shot by the cops, daughter hit by a car) her boyfriend travis who was brutally stabbed by the crazy bitch also known as Hayden, a truant officer turns up to tell ben that violet has not turned up for school for 16 days and is one day away from going to court. A sudden fly infestation in the living room means ben calls an exterminator who finds something horrifying in the crawl space but before he can do anything Tate appears and kills him!
While the police try and pin travis's high profile murder on constance. Tate is once again roiled by the idea of him and violet being separated by her father. While larry is in the basement taking the evidence from travis's murder he see's his "half baked" children and wife for the first time, after telling his wife that he plans to make constance pay for what she did to their family, she tells him that it was not constance who broke her vows.
Anyway getting to the most epic part of the episode, tate attacks ben in the rubber suit in an attempt to knock him on conscious which he succeeds to do but not before ben pulls off his mask and sees tate in the mirror and then shouts for violet in fear of what he may do to her.
But as we find out tate never has and never will do anything to hurt violet and only wants to protect her, he tells her that the only way they can ever be together is for her to commit suicide but violet runs out of the attic and frantically runs out of the front door to the gates and appears back in the house after a few times of this happening she realises she cannot leave the property just like tate, so quietly and calmly tate leads her into the basement to the source of the fly infestation to reveal the horrible truth of why she has not been at school and why she was unable to escape, her rotting corpse. In a way to try and console her he tells her that he did not manage to save her when she attempted suicide back in episode 6 and his reason for trying to have her commit suicide was so that she wouldn't feel as sad about her death and that she was more in control of the situation. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!! Now i guess she is going to have to research agoraphobia in order to fool her dad into believing she has a good enough reason not to leave the house.
We learn that larry has confessed to Travis's murder in order to punish himself for all the terrible things he has done, he tells constance that he could take anything that they throw at him as long as he hears Constance say i love you, a small ask that she coldly turns down.
Constance - The southern lady with a fuck you attitude!