Just a random post about Tim burton's remake of the disney classic Alice in wonderland, well it was released on DVD here on the 4th and i watched it that night, well i felt the begin was missing a big key of interest but that didnt put me off because i know that when Johnny Depp and Tim Burton collide its awesome (for example sleepy hollow, Edward scissor hands, charlie and the chocolate factory, Sweeney todd and the future Dark shadows) anyway getting back to the film, i found once we saw more of alice's differences and how she explored the more humorous and imaginary aspects of her mind i got more in to it. The whole film was new to me really because i obviously knew of and had watched some of the disney cartoon film when i was really young but could barely remember it, moving on, even though it was interesting to see Tim burtons interpretations of the traditional characters i was just anticipating the entrance of the mad hatter (AKA the incredibly sexy and beautiful Johnny Depp) and once he did appear i couldn't help but giggle at his voice and crazy get up my favorite thing was his odd colored eyes! This is getting kinda long so I'm a end it with my favorite part surprisingly not The White queens moment of triumph but the part where Alice has been named Erm by The Red queen and Alice visits the hatter in his work shop and he has a crazy flip out and Alice calms him down by telling him exactly what her father said to her when she was a child (after the hatter asks her "Have i gone mad?") she replies with "Im afraid your entirely bonkers, but i'll tell you a secret, all the best people are" i love it its so sweet also looks cuter because the mad hatter looks so small in comparison to Alice. Let me get to the end of this which appropriately would be my view of the ending now the Red queen being banished was pretty cool but i thought it was sad the way the hatter said 'you wont remember me' and then the fact that she went back to that crappy world but thats just me, perhaps its a hidden meaning of 'we all have to come back to reality at some point'.

If you read all that thanks a lot!
Peace out
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