So I'm thinking of doing a new review on this english film called 'Harry Brown' which is a pretty dark film about this guy who is in his seventies (Michael Caine) that lives on this horrible council estate in London that is practically ruled by gangs/chavy teenagers. After his best friend is murdered by one of these groups of youths he decides to do all he could to find out what happened and take out anyone in his way. By the way he isn't like a regular old dude he's like a war veteran which i think makes the idea of him being able to take down teenagers more believable.

It was released on DVD March this year but i wasn't interested in seeing it because its all about (i feel) the behind the scenes of England and seeing as i had just sort of moved to England after living in Germany for like over 5 years i didn't want to be freaked out by the film and give me a worse out look of the UK than i already had. But now i think I'm just interested in the story its self rather than what it is portraying.
Peace out!
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