1 he looked and decided no i don't want to take the risk, 2 i need to go under there in order to get to the hospital faster (his wife was dying) but i just cant I'm too scared and then finally 3 i am going under the under pass because i have solved the problem, Well they all came together far to quickly there needed to be more story squeezed in those spaces.
(Harry and friend)

Next would be the level of violence now i know not everyone wants to see lots of violence and gore but to be honest this was that type of film, it needed more intense violent scenes to increase the intensity and tension of the film.
A quick over view would be good start and by start i really do mean just the first 5-6 minutes which was where we saw a gang initiation and a woman shot and killed by a drugged up kid all filmed on a mobile phone.
But then came the scene where they were obviously trying to show the connection between the friends which could have been expanded and added to so much more to give the viewer a much better inside into their close friendship.

Then blah blah the friend is murdered which definitely needed a build up, cops come found tell Harry all fine then the funeral which showed a row of cars following a hearse with a wreath in it which said grandpa, which then drove by exposing Harry and the priest standing at his friends funeral on the other side, that was definitely not fitting to the style of film or the raw aspect that the film was trying to create.
Time goes on Harry is confronted by a gang member who tries to mug him and in turn he turns the knife back on the gang member killing him, this is when he decides to take things into his own hands so he goes and buys a gun from a couple of druggies/drug dealers/pimps who he kills at the same time, which is where more violence i think would have worked well. Anyway time goes on he kills again and mildly tortures one of the gang members again more violence needed, after this riots break out because of unexpected police raids in the estate now this riot scene was terrible i think it must have lasted know more than 3 minutes there was know decent build up of seeing this group of thugs take to the streets there was no real look into the extreme damage they were doing to the area but from then on the film was alright one of the investigators was killed which was good (thats not me being sick by the way) BECAUSE the 'heros' as it where cant all survive i think its pretty crap and unrealistic when that does happen.
So there you have it my latest film review, my next one will probably be on "The death and life of Charlie st Cloud" or it could be some random film i hadn't expected to see.
Now i know that not all americans have this stereotypical view of england that we see in american movies or sitcoms but a lot do so here is me saying we do not all drive cars from the eighties, a lot of use have perfectly nice teeth, we definitely do not all have terrible english accents and say things like 'Ello guvna' or 'Cherrio' and another huge thing we dress perfectly normal as you can see from my blog we don't dress as though its still the 70's.

By the way this isn't me having a rant at americans because i love ya! Anyone that knows me can tell you that especially as i plan to be living in California by 2017!!

Thought i would start giving out stars, this film rated 3 stars outta 5.
After a very long post you have come to the end if you made this far i congratulate and thank you for reading!
Peace out!
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